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Our Master Trainer

Adjunct Professor
C Foo James Leong
  Finance for Non-Financial Managers Finance for Non-Financial Managers
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Fundamentals of Fund Management
(Code: FFM) (Customisable)

Master Trainer James Leong recommends:

After the course, you gain practical investment knowledge to assist your clients in making the right investment decisions. The insights and confidence you acquire on understanding the fund management process will further enhance your professionalism and attract more clients.


No prior investment knowledge is required to attend this seminar as it will be conducted using simple layman terms.

Why is this programme unique?

The course leader for this programme is a seasoned fund manager and successful financial author. From his experience in both venture capital investing and portfolio management of listed equities, you learn quickly the practical key success factors of successful fund management. You find out how the pros do it successfully by learning from a professional with a track record of outperforming benchmarks on a consistent basis. The hands-on nature of the programme creates exceptional practical value for learners.

Using our proprietary learning system, we create breakthroughs in teaching complicated financial and accounting subjects. We succeed in establishing a new paradigm that finance and accounting need not be dry or boring. In fact, our participants have found it fun and interesting and have given us raving testimonials.

Course outline for 2-day workshop

- Major trends in investment
- Market and personal psychology
- Market research investment funnel
- Macro analysis
- Industry and company analysis
- Valuation and market timing tools
- Fund management: roles, tools, mandates and limitations
- Fixed income and alternative investments
- How to win clients effectively

Who must attend?

Directors, managers, financial advisors, investment consultants, analysts and other personnel in the wealth industry.

What can you expect of your learning environment?

- Financial concepts made easy
- Step-by-step approach
- Learning pace varies with participants’ existing knowledge
- Quick and observable progress in learning
- Highly interactive, interesting and fun-filled team learning
- Hands-on practise
- Learning through real-life examples

Review of James' course: SAFRAN Management Development Programme from fintelligence on Vimeo.

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